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Circumpolar star trails over the moonlit Mimbres Valley near Lake Roberts in the Gila National Forest, in southwest New Mexico. Illumination is from the waxing gibbous moon. Polaris is at upper left, while the stars of the Big Dipper are rising at right, with just the BowlÖs Pointer stars visible at the start of the sequence, then rising to bring the entire Big Dipper above the horizon, with Alkaid, the end star of the handle, just clearing the ridge at right. PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxONLY Copyright: AlanxDyer/StocktrekxImages ADY200220S circumpolar Star Trails Over The MoonLit Mimbres Valley Near Lake Roberts in The Gila National Forest in Southwest New Mexico Illumination IS from The waxing Crescent Moon Polaris IS AT Upper left while The Stars of The Big Dipper are Rising AT Right With Just The BowlÖs Pointer Stars Visible AT The Start of The Sequence Then Rising to bring The Entire Big Dipper above The Horizon With Alkaid The End Star of The handle Just Clearing The Ridge AT Right PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxONLY Copyright AlanxDyer StocktrekxImages ADY200220S

Foto: imago/StockTrek Images

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Der Bildbestand von StockTrek Images umfasst zur Zeit ca. 40.000 Bilder und wird kontinuierlich erweitert.

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(Quelle: imago Pressemeldung)

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